Living in the Gray…

I guess it’s part of getting older. We realize all the things we so fervently believed in when we were younger are not entirely true. We haven’t heard the whole story. And the complete picture is more nuanced than we believed. When I was younger, I had a firm fix on what was “Right” andContinue reading “Living in the Gray…”

BLESSINGS for Everyone!

I recently had a conversation with a friend. She – unlike my parents who have said something like this to me for years – was finally able to get through to me an idea that I have never before been able to truly take in. It’s about comparison. She pointed out to me how much of my life I spend evaluating others – and by extension, myself.

Letting Go of Needing to Be Extraordinary

Why do I need to feel so damn special? Why does that need keep arising with in me? Maybe… just maybe it’s because something deep within me is asking me to connect with something so much more than what I see around me…