Magical Realism Short Fiction By Kaelan Strouse (5,800 words – 25 min read time) “I know who you really are,” the grubby man spoke as he peered at me through one, droopy-lidded eye. The other eye was patched and covered. “You can’t hide from us. We know… we can always know our ownContinue reading “FICTION: The Dragon’s Lair”
Tag Archives: spirituality
Letting Go of Needing to Be Extraordinary
Why do I need to feel so damn special? Why does that need keep arising with in me? Maybe… just maybe it’s because something deep within me is asking me to connect with something so much more than what I see around me…
Why I am Grateful For Everything… and Yes, I Mean EVERYTHING!
I’m trying to reach a state where every moment in my day, every breath I inhale, reminds me to be grateful. I still have a ways yet to go, but I’m inching continuously closer.